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History of Physiotherapy | Learn Physiotherapy Online Free

History of Physiotherapy, Learn Physiotherapy Online Free. My dear audience today we will know about the history of physiotherapy. In Bangladesh have many hi...

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

How to get rid of the terrible psoriasis.

Click here to read this post Bengali  Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease of the skin. Any person, regardless of men and women, may be infected with this disease. But thirty-three more people are affected. It is not a contagious disease, so it does not spread through contact. Greek philosopher Celsius first described this disease in the second century AD. Earlier, Psoriasis and leprosy were thought to be the same disease. Men's skin cells constantly die and are newly created. This cell growth rate in Psoriasis becomes abnormal. Like new keratitis cells from the deepest layer of skin

Find out how hepatitis is negative.

Click here to get it Bengali B: Please request to everyone to read the Hepatitis B after examining whether it is too expensive to test only takes 300-400 Taka.One in every 12 people in the world! You can be one of them! Every year in the present world it is understood that the spread of the horrific patch, the virus is killing one person after another! The names of the first five letters of the English alphabet were named Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. respectively. Hepatitis A and E liver short-term inflammation and Hepatitis B, C and D cause long-

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Simple solution to asthma problems

Click here to get it Bengali Asthma or asthma is a long-term respiratory disorder. Increases sensitivity of the airways for this inflammation. As a result, cough, breathing difficulties and chest pressure are felt.A key component of asthma treatment is regular, continuous use of respiratory suppressor medication or anti-inflammatory or steroids inhalers. Regular use reduces the inflammation of the airway. As a result, other symptoms of asthma including cough and respiratory problems improve. In addition to the steroid inhaler, other asthma medicines, such as Muntilukust, Long Acting Theophiline, Antihistamine, and the necessary asthma medicines are needed to use salubital inhalers.

Monday, September 11, 2017

The quantity of raw grams to eat in the morning.

Click here to get it Bengali There are many who stayed in the morsala all night and took kacha in the morning. Which is very beneficial and healthy for the body. The popular meal during the Iftar during Ramadan is Chola. In our country, peas are used in many ways. We all know about the quality of raw chili. Many people eat raw grams body bodies. There are several types of Vitamin, Mineral salt, Magnesium and Phosphorus in Cholaya, and also high quality protein rich foods. The raw, boiled or curry may also be cooked. The raw molasses, exfoliate, plays with raw adhesive, and the body is formed on the same body as well as microbial and antibiotics. It makes humans strong and healthy.

The cause and remedy for urine foam.


Click here to get it Bengali  Try to know what is your urine foam? Try these small signs of the body, which can be easily understood by any body in the body. Whether it is hidden in the left hand, it is hard work to understand that death is hidden. So learn to learn body language for the time being. Just say, urine. It is possible to make clear concepts about more than one secret change in the inner body of the urine. Many people have foam when urinating. Why is this known?

Do you want easy solutions for Chikungunya?

Click here to get it Bengali  The infection is caused by chikungunya chikungununya virus (chizak). Symptoms include fever and joint pain. These are typically two to twelve days after exposure. Other symptoms may include headaches, muscular pain, joint swing and a rash. Most people are good in weeks; However, occasionally joint pain can last for a few months. The risk of death among 1,000 is about 1 young, old, and other health problems, which are at risk of more serious diseases.

How do you make a good site?

Click here to get it Bengali  Why do you create a website? The purpose of creating a website is to drive traffic. Now, the more visitors visit your site, the visibility of your site will increase. How can you increase traffic to your website? Different creative ways have been discovered to increase the number of visitors to your website. Some of these may cost you some money, while others get free.

Physiotherapy treatment of acute pain in neck pain.

Click here to get it Bengali According to the Global Health Data Exchange and the World Bank, 1,639 of the 100,000 people each year suffer from neck pain and other pain. The famous medical journal 'The Lancet' says 33 million people worldwide face neck pain. Normally there are three types of neck pain. Muscle and bone problems - oxyxal, neurological problems, early-inclination - radiicular and spinal cord or spinal cord pressure causes mildropathy pain. Three types of pain can last for a short period of time. Thick pain can cause severe pain. There may also be problems with weakness, numbness, headaches, or anything to lift or take heavy weight.